Haylee Gaffin- Speaker Concierge
Haylee is a Chattanooga-based personal branding photographer and marketing expert for creative entrepreneurs and small businesses. In addition, she’s also the Digital Marketing Manager for Photographer’s Edit.

Autumn Tompkins- Wordsmith
Autumn Tompkins, The Grumpy Grammarian, is a nail-biting, Coca~Cola-loving, adventure-seeking, animal-adoring, tattoo addict who has her way with words.
She graduated from Binghamton University and Ithaca College. Autumn has two bachelor’s degrees (English Literature and Rhetoric) and a master’s degree (Communications).
Autumn copy edits for small business owners so that their words attract avid readers, raving fans, and loyal customers.
In her spare time, Autumn enjoys making sarcastic remarks, eye-rolling people who talk while she’s watching TV, and using the Fast & Furious movies as inspiration for new ways to drive her wheelchair.
Word up!