The Quest to Find my Identity as a Black Woman Photographer

  1. says:

    This is so amazing. I always wanted to know why you took this on and wondering why this hadn’t been done sooner! I had heard you mention Grace needing to see women who looked like her in this industry but I never knew how it related to your doctoral studies.

    This made it all make sense. I’m so thankful for the work you’re doing and the veils you’re not just lifting, but ripping, to show the world that successful, talented, and BLACK female photographers exist in this world.

    This was a wonderful and needed read. 💛

  2. Once again, thank you for being transparent. Your voice represents what we as Black women photographers feel as we join, attend, and interact in the photography industry. Your journey is paving the way for current Black women photographers and those to come.

    Keep up your work. We’re standing with you .

  3. Very powerful!! Thank you for sharing this revelation.

  4. Amazing words Tomayia. Thank you for all that you do to show other black women photographers we have a voice we matter and we are thriving. When I started my pursuit in photography in 2013 I wish I knew about a community like this to show me it was all possible because I didn’t see it around me. Now in 2019 it’s such a blessing. I think it’s so important for kids to see people succeeding that look like them to show them how possible their dreams are to attain. You’re not only paving the way for black wedding photographers but showing a younger generation no matter their pursuit with hard work it is all possible.

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